Rupiah kembali melemah hingga menembus Rp16 ribu per US Dollar, sama seperti saat Indonesia alami krisis moneter (krismon) 1997/1998. Walau situasi ekonomi dan politik tidak separah saat krismon, apakah melemahnya rupiah ini menjadi tanda kelabu ekonomi kita di masa depan? Idekonomi mengundang Andry Asmoro (Chief Economist Bank Mandiri) untuk membahas topik ini lebih lanjut. Dengarkan di Spotify Idekonomi dan platform-platform podcast kesayanganmu! Tautan: Idekonomi #BridgingKnowledge #rupiah #melemah #16ribu #krisis #moneter #usdollar
Online Audio and Video Media
Jakarta, DKI Jakarta 1,319 followers
Bridging Knowledge
About us
The development of technology has contributed significantly to rapid information mobility. Unfortunately, this information stream may not always come from credible sources. Even if it is, these valuable information got twisted purposely to fulfill one's implicit interest. In the context of economics issues, the existence of economic voting may likely to motivate certain groups of interest to politicize specific economics issues, which eventually resulted in shock value. The abundant information stream along with lack of sufficient knowledge will likely to put people to misinterpret certain issues - which resulted in inaccurate decision. Thus, IDEKONOMI born with the spirit of transferring knowledge from experts to society overall with various backgrounds IDEKONOMI envision to make economics issues become more understandable and hope to create more inclusive participation on every of its discussions. These dreams will be realized through contribution from credible experts which will be channeled to audio and visual platforms.
- Website
External link for Idekonomi
- Industry
- Online Audio and Video Media
- Company size
- 2-10 employees
- Headquarters
- Jakarta, DKI Jakarta
- Type
- Nonprofit
- Founded
- 2018
- Specialties
- podcast, economics, and policy
Jakarta, DKI Jakarta 11480, ID
Employees at Idekonomi
Assyifa Szami Ilman
Course Assistant | MPA/ID Candidate at Harvard University
Hendro Wicaksono
New York University, M.A. in Economics // Bank Indonesia (Currently on leave for study assignment)
Harnum Yulia Sari
Research Fellow di Otoritas Jasa Keuangan
Djihan Islahiyah
Junior Economist at Central Bank of Indonesia
[Yale University IDE Info Session] Ana Cecilia Fieler (IDE Co-Director) akan memberikan webinar mengenai International and Development Economics Program Yale University bagi Idelisteners yang tertarik melanjutkan studi Magister! Tentang Program: Catat Tanggal dan Waktunya! 📅 Kamis (17/10/2024) dan Senin (25/11/2025) 🕗 19.00 dan 22.00 WIB RSVP: Idekonomi #BridgingKnowledge
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